You’re So Vain, you probably think this pregnancy’s about you…

We all have one of these in our possession. The same people that are pissed off I didn’t call them to tell them I was pregnant. Truth is, no one is supposed to know I’m pregnant STILL. We were going to formally announce it with a card when I turned 12 weeks. There are people that are LIVID that I didn’t reach out to tell them.

How many different ways can I say… NO ONE SHOULD KNOW!

I only told my grandmother because why wouldn’t I? Who knew she was going to tell one person who told one person who told the other. My grandmother and I are best friends, of course I’m going to tell her.

The reason why I wanted to formally announce it in a card is because I wanted to take the more traditional route since this pregnancy was planned, and a select few knew from the beginning, examples: Sister and Grandmother. I didn’t want to be like fellow facebookers who announce this personal stuff on facebook. I’ve always found that tacky.

I feel like I’m in hiding, avoiding friends and those I know who are mad at me for no reason. Simply because I wanted to wait until I was 12 weeks. This is so confusing, yet funny. I’m afraid to update my facebook with any status even hinting a pregnancy not knowing if it will blow up.

Who knew…

Well, if any of you ladies are going through what I’m going through, just know it’s not you’re fault. There is always that one or two people that want to make your life a little harder than it should, especially if they want something you already have, examples: college degree, car, beautiful first born, cant forget super supportive significant other.

If there is a virus like that in you’re life, smile… because you’ve done something right. Don’t forget to sing this song:

About Gibmee

Hey kids I'm new here! Be nice :)
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